HDLM DLMgetras Data Collection Utility
UNIX DLMgetras Utility
Note: The DLMgetras script is integrated into the UNIX Getconfig script so there is no need to run this script if you run Getconfig.
Hitachi provides a DLMgetras shell script that can be run when experiencing problems with HDLM. This script gathers various files and outputs them to a directory that you specify.
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/DLMgetras {directory-to-which-collectedinformation-is-output [-f file-that-defines-information-to-be-collected] | -h}
You can also use lower-case characters (dlmgetras) as follows:
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmgetras {directory-to-which-collectedinformation-is-output [-f file-that-defines-information-to-be-collected] | -h}
Windows DLMgetras Utility
This utility is in the following locations:
Use this utility only in an environment where the version of the installed
HDLM and the version on the DVD are the same.
When executing the DLMgetras utility from the command prompt
DLMgetras {[folder-to-which-collected-information-is-output] [-
eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd | -eventlogsize {all | maximum-file-length}]
| -h}
You can also use lower-case characters as follows:
dlmgetras {[folder-to-which-collected-information-is-output] [-
eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd | -eventlogsize {all | maximum-file-length}]
| -h}
When executing the DLMgetras utility from the Windows Start menu
From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs, Dynamic Link
Manager, and then DLMgetras.
You can change the Windows-installation-destination-drive-name\hdlmtemp
portion by changing the target in the DLMgetras properties.
You can specify parameters for the DLMgetras utility only from the command
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