HDvM Manager
HDvM Manager
A Visual Basic program and BAT files to create HDvM CLI and/or Batch CLI. The code has been tested on HDvM 5.x and 6.0. Even if you do not want to generate CLI, this GUI has 99% of the functionality found in the HDvM GUI.
Prerequisites (and co-requisites) to use the tool
- Windows XP or Windows 2003.
- Requires VB6 runtime modules (see DOC for download URL).
- Also requires that HDvM CLI 5.5 or later is installed on the client PC.
Revision history
Version 5.9.15, release date: 15th May, 2008.
- Add support for HDvM 5.9. This release supports all levels from 5.5 to 5.9 - read the documentation.
- Add Dynamic Provisioning management support
- Add support for "Business Logical Groups" to reorganise your LG and make them really useful
- Updated manual
- Add the ability to produce the CSV reports via the command line. Here is a specimen BAT file:
@echo off
call getxml.bat
vbhdvm /CSV
echo CSV Reports have been written
Version 6.0.18, release date: 27th June, 2008.
- Add support for HDvM 6.0, LDEV labels, Concat array display
- New LUN display - can be sorted by any column - also columns can be hidden or shown
- Add support for multiple create/delete LDEVs
- Add support for Quick Format on USP-V
- Basic support for iSCSI - only display items tested - use caution!
- Fix allocated vs used CSV and display for Array Groups
- HDvM_Setup_5915.zip: HDvM Manager Version 5.9.15
- HDvM_Setup_6029.zip: HDvM Manager Version 6.0.29
This tool is provided AS IS, with no warranty of any kind. Neither Callstack:
at (Support_Information/Data_Collection/Software/HDvM_Manager), /content/body/div/div[4]/p[2]/em/span, line 1, column 1