Hitachi Command Suite Server Data Collection
Hitachi Command Suite Server Logs
Hitachi Command Suite (HSCS) was previously known as the HiCommand suite. For HDvM, HTnM, HTSM, HRpM or HGLAM, issue the hcmdsgetlogs command.
Manual Data Collection
The following examples assume a default installation. Adjust these commands if you have installed the software somewhere else.
HiCommand Products 7.x and earlier (default locations)
- cd "Program Files (x86)\HiCommand\Base\bin"
- hcmdsgetlogs /dir <output dir>
- # /opt/HiCommand/Base/bin/hcmdsgetlogs -dir <output dir>
HiCommand Products 8.x (default locations)
- cd "Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin"
- hcmds64getlogs /dir <output dir>
- # /opt/HiCommand/Base64/bin/hcmds64getlogs -dir <output dir>
(HCS 7.x and earlier) cd ..\base\bin
Hcmdsgetlogs /dir <output dir>
(HCS 8.x) cd ..\base64\bin
Hcmds64getlogs /dir <output dir>
To minimize the data collection when the DB and .csv files are not required run the following command:
(HCS 7.x and earlier) hcmdsgetlogs /dir <output dir> /logtypes log
(HCS 8.x) hcmds64getlogs /dir <output dir> /logtypes log
** <output dir> is an empty dir of your choosing, i.e. D:\logs
Example: Hcmds64getlogs /dir D:\logs