Hitachi Storage Cluster (HSC) Data Collection
Hitachi Storage Cluster (HSC) Data Collection
Obtain the data below.
Timeline of events
- HSC script times out on node A
- Node A failover to node B
- Server running node A reboot
- Node B fail back to node A
Host Information
Windows GetConfig for Hyper-V
VMware Diagnostics
Collect all event logs from the server event logs around the time of failure (system and application)
- %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config.
Config files
Collect the HSC Config Files and a copy of the script
- %SYSTEMROOT%\*.conf (where * is the resource name of HSC in the cluster).
Cluster logs
Obtain the cluster logs from the previous owning node and the failover node. This log is located on each node.
- C:\%SYSTEMROOT%\cluster\cluster.log.
Pair Displays
From the CCI executable directory (usually C:\HORCM\etc), review the current pair status of the cluster volumes. From both the previous owning node and the failover node, run:
- pairdisplay -g -CLI -fc
Use -l if the remote node is not available. Collect screenshots from the output of the above commands.