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Hitachi Vantara Knowledge

Hitachi Storage Cluster (HSC) Data Collection

Hitachi Storage Cluster (HSC) Data Collection

Obtain the data below.


Timeline of events

- HSC script times out on node A 
- Node A failover to node B
- Server running node A reboot
- Node B fail back to node A


Host Information

Windows GetConfig for Hyper-V
VMware Diagnostics

Collect all event logs from the server event logs around the time of failure (system and application)

  • %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config.


Config files

Collect the HSC Config Files and a copy of the script

  • %SYSTEMROOT%\*.conf (where * is the resource name of HSC in the cluster).


Cluster logs

Obtain the cluster logs from the previous owning node and the failover node. This log is located on each node.

  • C:\%SYSTEMROOT%\cluster\cluster.log.


Pair Displays

From the CCI executable directory (usually C:\HORCM\etc), review the current pair status of the cluster volumes. From both the previous owning node and the failover node, run:

  • pairdisplay -g -CLI -fc

Use -l if the remote node is not available. Collect screenshots from the output of the above commands.



HORCM TC Configuration files and Log files. Use these procedures.


Subsystem Logs

Midrange (DF) - Simple Trace 
Enterprise (RAID) - Normal Dump


Current Status

Gather information about the current status of the cluster (is it down, up, stable etc?)


Time Offset

Please specify the current time zone, and time delta between all hosts and arrays involved.