Data Ingestor Support Questions
Expedite the troubleshooting process for the most common issues by reviewing and answering the following questions for your product.
Top Troubleshooting Questions
- While you already provided a description of your issue in the Basic Troubleshoot questions, please try to answer as many of the following questions as possible:
- Date, time and time zone of occurrence and a log collection for this time period. (log collection details can be found here: How to Gather a Data Ingestor (HDI) Data Collection)
- Identification of what OS and Versions are affected, and is NFS or CIFS used to access the filesystem?
- What are the size and types of files, and what is the rate of ingestion?
- If the issue is indicated by a client-side error, provide client-side logs and/or an example of the specific error(s), which include date/time/time zone of the error so it can be correlated with HDI logs.
- What are the affected Filesystems?
- Are there any HDI error codes generated?
- Has the 'HDI Error Codes' document MK-90HDI005 been referenced?
- Is the issue occurring on a newly deployed existing production HDI system?
- If a new deployment, who are the Service Team members involved, and is the engagement completed?
- Are there any planning documents or diagrams available for this solution?
- When was the solution initially deployed?
- What is the impact of the issue on the customer's production environment?
- If the issue relates to migrating to or recalling from the HCP, please collect/upload the HCP logs for a timeframe corresponding to issue on the HDI: Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) Data Collection
- Is encryption-at-rest enabled?
Additional General Questions
- When was the last date, time that the solution was working as expected?
- Are there any existing SR's related to this issue?
- What has been tried already to address the issue and when was it tried?
- Have you checked for alerts that could affect your system version or for related issues?