How To Collect HCS Server Data
To address how to collect a full data collection of the HCS environment required for troubleshooting and escalating a service request
- Hitachi Command Suite
- Hitachi Device Manager
- Hitachi Tuning Manager
- Hitachi Replication Manager
- Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager
- Collect Full HCS version
- - Prior to logging into the HCS GUI, select License, let the fields populate and provide the HDvM version display
- - or upload a screen capture of the fully populated fields
- HCS server host o/s and patch levels
- If HDvM and HTnM are on separate hosts, a getconfig will be required from each host
- Download and run the latest version for the appropriate host o/s:
- If the HTnM agent is not installed on the local HDvM or HTnM host, use the link below to collect and upload the remote host HTnM agent logs
- Upload to: <enter case ID # >
Additional Notes
Alternative data collections if the getconfig fails. These will create a smaller data collection consisting of 2 *.jar files to manually upload
<installation dir>\HiCommand\Base64\Bin\hcmds64getlogs /dir x:\your_dir_here /logtypes log
/OPT/HiCommand/Base64/Bin/hcmds64getlogs - dir OPT/your_dir_here -logtypes log
example = /dir C:\getlogs_11_21 = empty directory of your choice
When command finishes, zip the 2 files in /dir C:\getlogs_11_21 and upload to TUF
Case ID #