Brocade VDX Data Collection Review
- Directory Structure:
- Locations of pertinent information in the text files.
- Types of Data Collections:
- Switch/Director data collection
- supportsave
- supportshow
- BNA/DCFM data collections
- BNA switch supportsave
- BNA server supportsave
- BNA Client supportsave capture via CLI
- BNA supportsave from Windows OS via CLI
- BNA supportsave from Linux OS via CLI
- Webtools data collections
- Switch/Director data collection
Directory Structure
Thanks Eric Wilkins for this insight. SSM_User.txt - This list VLAN association and port membership for each VLAN. RAS.txt - This provides the errdump and any logged errors on the switch. CEE_User.txt - This log provides the "show ip interface brief". The list ports and their status, simliar to "switchstatus show". Also VLAN and Port-Channel membership. Also - show mac-address-table. Port.txt - This provides the "portlogdump" information. FC_Service.txt - This shows ISL information on the switch, switch WWN, IP address and switch name and Fabric Log. INFRA_User.txt - This provides the "raslog" information, Auidt Log & "SH RUN" of the switch. INFRA.txt - This log has the "porterrorshow", "portcfgshow" & switch FOS version. |
- Log in to the switch.
In privileged EXEC mode, enter the 'copy support' command to capture the supportSave data.
The copy support command has options to copy the supportSave files to a remote server using
FTP or SCP, or you can save to a local USB device. You can use the command in a single
command line, or in interactive mode.
The following example uses the single command line mode to copy the supportSave files to a
remote host using FTP.
switch# copy support ftp host user admin directory 108
Password: *****
The following example uses the interactive form of the command and FTP:
switch# copy support-interactive
Server Name or IP Address:
Protocol (ftp, scp): ftp
User: admin
Password: *****
VCS support [y/n]? (y): y
Special Considerations