HDvM Audit Logging
HDvM Audit Logging
HDvM 5.6 has implemented Audit Logging. Logging to Windows Event Log could have been hard to use - but Microsoft have written a tool that extracts the information easily. It is called LogParser 2.2 - a free download from the Microsoft web site.
In a ZIP file below is a BAT file to get lots of useful info - in a CSV - or as reports. This works on Windows 2003 - but LogParser will not install on Windows 2000. However, you can run LogParser on XP or Windows 2003 - and get the data from the Windows 2000 server if you have to.
Also supplied is an AUDITLOG.CONF that has been set to log almost everything. Put it here:
C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base\conf\sec\auditlog.conf
This information is all documented in the 5.6 Server Install manual.
Field Developed Documentation.